Aquatic News (1951)

Full title reads: “Aquatic News“. Folkestone, Kent. Competitions for the Daily Mail Cross Channel Swimming Race. SV Previous winners Hassan Abd El Rehim (Egypt) and Eileen Fenton. CU Fenton and Hassan. LV Contestants parading around Folkestone pool. SV Crowd applauding, SV Pan contestants. SV Eileen Fenton drawing for pilot. CU Back view to side view Ned Barnie, Scotland who has already swum channel from England to France, SV Phillip Rising of Rotherham with officials observer of the ASA (Amateur Swimming Association) Mr Gwynn. CU Phillip Rising. CU Map of course across Channel. CU Rising saying “Well I felt quite comfortable. I swum within my strength for most of the way, but of course, it’s obvious that a swim like this is a team even and no-one can get across unless they have first class pilot. I was very fortunate in having Mr Harry Sharp of Folkestone and he did a good job.“ MV Abou Heif (Egypt) being congratulated by his countrymen. CU Egyptian asks Heif. “What your feeling after your successful s
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