Troubadours d’Italie, Italian Troubadours

Ensemble: Trob’Art Ensemble Album: Canso viva - Les Troubadours d’Italie XIIº et XIIIº siècles Video: Ms. 854 • Canso Viva is a work of the maestro, musician and researcher Gérard Zuchetto. In this album poems by some Italian troubadours are brought back to life or of those who had a close link with Italy. Considering the few characters available, I’ll briefly tell facts about some of these troubadours. Raimbaut de Vaqueiras (1165/1207) opens the play: joglar from an early age, he learned the art of trobar at the court of Guilhèm del Bauç. He arrived in Italy in 1190. While he’s in Genoa he writes the famous Sirventes between him and a Genoese woman who refuses his love, insulting his rough “Provençal“ manners. He passes through Tortona and reaches the Malaspina court. Here a new and amusing Sirventes is born with the marquis and troubadour Albertz dei Malaspina who, after having listened to
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