Осеннее Солнце / Autumn Sun / Ashnan arev / (1977) dir. Bagrat Oganesyan Баграт Оганесян

Strikingly progressive and beautifully crafted, Bagrat Oganesyan’s Autumn Sun tells the story of Aghun (a bravado performance by the director’s own wife, Anahit Gukasyan), a simple woman forced to contend with the banal cruelties of the men who populate her small village: from her father to her husband, in-laws, neighbours, and boss. Filmed in the hometown of screenwriter Hrant Matevosyan, who adapts from his own novel, this is a compassionate portrait of resilience and resignation. По мотивам повести Г.Матевосяна «Мать едет женить сына».О судьбе деревенской женщины со сложным и противоречивым характером, о том, как складывался этот характер, о ее нелегких отношениях с мужем и сыновьями.
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