More Ways to Express Yourself

Coming in the next game update are more wolf howls for players to choose from. We’ve been working on this for awhile -- recording wolves at the Wildlife Science Center last fall, and more recently scouring wolf videos from the Voyageurs Wolf Project and the Wolf Conservation Center, both of which have graciously given us permission to use audio from their videos in the game. Due to ambient background sounds and other wolves joining in, we could only use a relatively small number of howls from those organizations, but check out their YouTube channels for many more great videos! * Voyageurs Wolf Project: * Wolf Conservation Center: * Our visit to the Wildlife Science Center: So we’ve now got 15 new howls added to the game -- and we’ve revised the Howl section of the wolf customization panel so all 39 howls can be selected as either primary or secondary howls (or both!). Long ago we added the ability to howl when sitting or laying down, but other emotes have been disabled when in those poses. That was due to constraints of the AI system -- but Tommi designed the new AI system to allow emotes in any pose, so we’ve got that working now. You can do all voice emotes, and a few others, when taking a load off. (Tail emotes are still disabled, since the ground gets in the way of them.) All this is coming soon in the next game update. It’s getting closer! _________________________ The WolfQuest saga will continue! Stay tuned for more news in upcoming devblogs about it and other new features! Once the game is completed on PC/Mac, we will turn our attention to other platforms. We do not announce specific release dates. We will release them when they are ready.
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