Black Concrete House Design With Wooden Batten Shell On A Hilltop With Lush Natural Surroundings

Architecture, specifically the house, is an act of enabling shelter, a vessel through which in turn enables habitation and the ongoing experience of a particular time and place. Within the folding hills of its hinterland site, the Federal House acts as both experiential containers for this place and as a conditioning object, consciously aware of its outsider status within the traditional ownership and legacy of this landscape. The project was considered as a vehicle for a relationship between “site and modifier”, the place and the object, and envisaged to enable multiple readings, from beyond and from within. At distance, the building is recessive, a shadow within the vast landscape. On arrival the project’s fifth façade, the roof, transfers the work into sharp relief, a precise object purposefully foreign to its Bundjalung country landscape and the deep time frame of the indigenous heritage in which it is located. On closer inspection, a highly textural outer skin of thick timber batte
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