The Robot Studio, some of the robots so far...

A summary of the earlier work conducted within academic and industrial collaborations under EPSRC, FP7 and commercial funding. The long term aim has always been to produce a very capable humanoid robot that can safely carry a human passenger. Or more likely a person can hitch a lift by standing on some foot pegs or some such. More recently the emphasis has shifted from understanding how the body works towards knowing how the functional mechanisms of anatomy can be replicated in engineering materials. The second iteration of the new arm and hand will be completed mechanically and electrically within a week or two and I am investigating various avenues to imbue it with highly automated control. Most notably Nvidia Ominverse with the freshly released update to Isaac Sim which now contains a working Gym for training simulated robots in simulated environments. All that remains then is to print and assemble the left arm and hand, and add a head to have the next free roaming humanoid robot rolling around atop the standing wheeled legs.
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