The history of the fastest 3x3 Rubik’s Cube solve times

WARNING: Some of the times (approx. 2%) are shown as seconds lower than they should be. I’ll fix this bug if I ever make an update video in the future! I programmed the animated bar graph with Processing . The units for this bar graph are seconds, not minutes! I forgot to make that clear. Also, only solves done officially at WCA competitions were included. Data source: World Cube Association’s website Music: “Kingdom of One“ by Shogun Taira I noticed that the creators of the big 4 methods all appear in the top 10 at some point (Jessica Fridrich, Lars Petrus, Zbigniew Zborowski, and Gilles Roux). Also, I didn’t realize when I uploaded this, but ties are broken in an unusual way: whoever’s WCA ID is later alphabetically gets placed first. Since IDs start with a year, that means that “late starters“ theoretically have the advantage here. In future videos, I’ll make it so that the later solve (regardless of ID creation) will be placed lower instead,
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