American Graffiti festival 50th anniversary car show parade classic cars hot rods old school trucks

Modesto California incredible American Graffiti festival, parade & 50th anniversary classic car show. Packed with old school hot rods, classic cars, street rods from the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and into the 70s. Enjoy rides like 1955 Ford Thunderbirds, 1956 Thunderbirds, 1957 Thunderbirds from the Modesto Thunderbird club, enjoy Pharoahs car club member rides, see old cars like a 1932 Ford 3-window coupe hot rod, 1932 Ford 5-window hot rod coupe, 1957 Ford Fairlane 500, 1967 Chevrolet Impala SS, 1964 Impala Super Sport, 1963 Impala, 1960 Impala, 1972 Oldsmobile 442, 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 convertible, 1967 Ford Fairlane, 1970 Chevrolet Nova, 1972 Chevelle, 1972 Camaro, Chevy C10 trucks, 1928 Ford Model A roadster, 1970 Pontiac GTO muscle car, 1941 Willys pro street hot rod, 1937 Ford sedan, 1969 Camaro Z28, 1958 Thunderbird, 1958 BelAir Impala, Chevy 3100 series trucks, Ford F100 trucks, 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner, 1970 Ford Torino, 1964 Corvette, 1956 Chevrolet Belair convertible, 1968 Camaro SS, 1
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