Kiev is awaiting another escalation in the upcoming Russian summer campaign. Unable to predict the direction of Russian attacks, the Ukrainian military is forced to urgently redeploy strategic reserves, relying only on NATO assistance. The Russian military continues constant precision strikes in the Ukrainian rear, destroying reserves and thwarting plans of the Ukrainian command. On the night of May 28, a new wave of explosions thundered far from the frontlines. Russian kamikaze UAVs targeted Ukrainian military facilities in the city of Bila Tserkva in the Kyiv region and in the Cherkassy region, where Ukrainian sources reported damage to military warehouses and facilities used for repair of military equipment. Meanwhile, Russian aircraft are busy pounding the Ukrainian military in the war-torn regions. Ukrainian reserve units came under attack in the area of Borovaya in the Kharkiv region, while the Ukrainian garrison in the south of Volchansk was hit by Russian arial bombing attacks. The Ukrainian command is sending more and more reinforcements to the Kharkiv region, diluting its defense in other directions. Most recently, amphibious assault units from the lost Rabotino and marines from Krynki were sent to the northern front. After the fraud with the defensive line in the border areas was revealed by the rapid Russian offensive, Kiev was forced to play the role of punishing the culprits. The usual officers responsible for the border defenses were blamed guilty, while the theft of billions of dollars devoted for multistory concrete fortifications was silenced in order to hide the crimes of high-ranking officials from Zelensky’s entourage. As a result, Ukrainian defensive operations are headed by butchers who throw more and more units into the meat grinder in Volchansk and Liptsy. Unable to effectively hold its defenses on the extended frontlines, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are rapidly retreating in different directions, including in the Kupyansk, Chasov Yar, Avdeevka and Mariinka areas. Another major victory of the Russian army was the liberation of Netailovo after heavy prolonged battles in the ruins. Ukrainian military sources admit that the Russians are advancing to the west and south of the town. At the same time, reports from the frontlines confirm Russian control of Umanskoe, the last stronghold of the Ukrainian defense west of Avdeevka. The Ukrainian military has no forces available to gain back the military initiative, while the Russians do not stop assaulting, probing the Ukrainian defenses. Retreating in the Donbass, Kiev is shackled, awaiting for a possible Russian offensive in the northern Sumy region, where Russian forces continue some local operations in the border areas along with constant strikes on Ukrainian positions in the region. The last hope for Kiev is NATO, which is equipping Ukrainian reserve units and prepares to enter the battlefields in the case of a Russian breakthrough.
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