Hijos de la tierra @Shimshai & Susana

MOUNT SHASTA Soy un hijo de la tierra, mi corazon es una estrella Viajo abordo del espiritu, camino a la eternidad Soy un niño silvestre, inocente, libre y salvaje Tengo todas las edades, los ancestros viven en mi Soy hermano de las nubes y solo se compartir Yo se que todo es de todos, y que todo esta vivo en mi Soy mujer de la tierra, danzando con luz de luna Me coronan las estrellas, las esencias viven en mi Soy una niña salvaje, inocente, libre y silvestre Yo tengo todas las edades, mis abuelas viven en mi Soy hermana de las nubes, y solo se compartir Yo se que todo es de todos, y que todo esta vivo en mi I am a child, a child of the earth I travel on spirit, on the road of my birth A son of the earth, one with the stars I travel on spirit, on the road of my heart A child of nature, wild and free With all of the ages, the ancestors in me With all of the ancients and the ages in me A friend of the clouds, sharing this dream That everyone is everything, alive within me Everyone and everything, alive in my dream Photo S&S: Zura Lagarde Art by Sergio Navarro-Duran and Alfredo Zagaceta Percusion: Marlon Aldana Shimshai & Susana Voices and instruments Mastered by Peter Temple Traditional ceremonial song from the Americas Shimshai is a sacred music singer/songwriter, producer, recording artist, multi-instrumentalist, and spiritual teacher. Shimshai’s music invokes the sentiment of ancestral devotion and dedication to higher consciousness. A self-proclaimed seeker of truth, described by many as possessing the voice of an angel, Shimshai is gifted with the innate ability to deliver his message flawlessly in several languages, most profoundly the universal language of Love and Oneness. Susana (Xochitlquetzalli) is a Colombian-born Medicine Woman and a spiritual teacher. Primarily of Indigenous Colombian blood and her lineage includes the Mestizo Amazonian, the Mexhica traditions of Mexico, and the Kogi and Arhuaco nations of her native Colombia. Moondancer of Mexico, Colombia, and Canada. Keeper of time and teacher of the Tonalama and Aztec Astrology. Susana is dedicated to reconnecting women with the medicine of the Moon, healing their wombs while they reclaim their sacred feminine, inner wisdom, fertility, and power. Leaders of the Chicuauhtlimetztli Moondance in Shasta, California. Shimshai & Susana have been facilitating countless healing ceremonies from the altars of Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Australia, Europe, the USA to the sacred grounds of local Native tribes of California, including more than 44 years of work with the Mestizo traditions of Peru and Colombia, the Mexhica traditions of Indigenous Mexico, and the Kogi and Arhuaco nations of Indigenous Colombia with direct guidance and support from teachers and spiritual leaders in each tradition. Xochitlquetzalli and Shimshai, are carriers of the sacred pipe, custodians of the Temazcal, Teotlac Vision Quest and Chicuauhtlimetztli Moondance Ceremonies from the Ollintlahuimetztli Lineage. They are the owners of La Ventana Herbals and create conscious ceremonial herbal medicines. Shimshai and Susana teach in their Ancestral Healing Arts and Curanderismo School and their retreat center La Ventana and in other retreat centers around the world. Their gentle guidance is a prayer inspired by their deep connection to the spiritual world, Mother Earth, and their heart. They are married and reside with their 2 children in Marin County and travel to their retreat center in Mount Shasta where they hold their retreat programs throughout the year. For more info please send us a message to info@ or go to . Thanks for listening. Visit our website for all our song lyrics and translations.
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