The Knight in the Panthers Skin -

12th century Georgian poet and thinker Shota Rustaveli, author of the Georgian national epic poem “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin”, is considered by different literary critics and scholars throughout the world as one of the most significant poets in the history of all times. Literary academia abides with various interpretations and readings of “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin”, revealing the complex and unorthodox nature of Rustaveli’s epic poem which often brings Greek thought to the reader’s mind (for instance, the works of Homer, Plato and Aristotle). Some scholars argue that, to a certain extent, Rustaveli anticipates European Renaissance. Georgia, the homeland of Rustaveli, being located on the crossroads of Europe and Asia, has historically been “the melting pot” of Eastern and Western Civilizations. Rustaveli’s poem is important not only for scholars, but for everybody who shares Rustaveli’s humanistic ideas and tries to bring up the new generation according to these principles. This is evidence that “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” will always be of contemporary relevance. As for scholarly research, Rustaveli has always attracted attention. The novelty of this book is found in the designation of stages in Rustvelology and representation of Rustvelologian thought in synchronic and diachronic aspects according to methodological principles, the purpose of which is to evaluate the preceding researches and setting perspectives for future studies concerning Rustaveli.
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