Работает СРАЗУ | Оставь ВРАГОВ и ЗАВИСТНИКОВ Позади | РЕВЕРС Накажет ВРАГА

Everyone has not only comrades and friends, but also detractors. This video session will help to get rid of communication and contacts with such people, neutralize their negative impact, and also send a return. This video is a “REVERSE“ program. It has powerful magic elements embedded in it. Cosmoenergetic music tunes your subconscious and creates an inner talisman. The runic formula “Reverse“ neutralizes the negative message – damage, evil eye or curse and returns it back to the enemy. As soon as you feel that something negative has been stuck to you, just listen to the video session completely! After 11 days of listening, you will install an energy shield that will completely reflect all negative energy! With the help of a video session, you will be able to build a strong protective barrier that will not allow anyone who has planned evil to harm you! The video uses: the runic formula “Reverse“, binaural rhythms, cosmoenergetic music, vibrations
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