Stranger (2015)

Poetry film to an interrupted love. We are used to recriminate the absences but sometimes, foreseing them soothes the anoyance that they make, even though their bitter taste isn’t easy to dilute. It stays, it burns. Making and writing: Cristina Bustamante. Character “D“: Gerardo Oñate. Colaboration: Jaime Tena. Reappropriated visuals: “Notorious“, Alfred Hitchcock, 1946. Music: Hank Hobson - Nightwave ft. Darcy. La Bon - North La Bon - Man Vague - 67 Soni Ventorum Wind Quintet - Op. 67 no. 3 in E flat Andante Moderato. Jeanette - Por qué te vas. CC: Poetry film liberated under Creative Commons. Morelia, Michoacan. México, 2015.
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