Johann Sebastian Bach: Magnificat in E-flat major | Ton Koopman, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir

Johann Sebastian Bach composed but one Magnificat in his lifetime, yet it would become a milestone in music history. Conducted by Ton Koopman, the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir here present the difficult and rarely-performed original version of the Magnificat in E flat major, BWV 243.1, in Leipzig’s St. Thomas Church, 2003. (00:00) Intro (00:15) Magnificat (Orchestra and Choir) (03:16) Et ex(s)ultavit spiritus meus (Aria) (05:40) Quia respexit humilitatem (Aria) (07:50) Omnes generationes (Choir) (09:11) Quia fecit mihi magna (Aria) (11:05) Et misericordia (Duet) (14:44) Fecit potentiam (Choir) (16:38) Deposuit potentes, (Aria) (18:44) Esurientes implevit bonis (Aria) (21:39) Suscepit Israel (Choir) (23:28) Sicut locutus est (Choir) (24:41) Gloria Patri (Choir) AMSTERDAM BAROQUE ORCHESTRA & CHOIR Deborah York | SOPRANO Bogna Bartosz | ALTO Jörg Dürmüller | TENOR Klaus Mertens | BASS Ton Koopman | CONDUCTOR
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