
奶奶今年77岁了,从我记事开始,她就是笑眯眯的忙前忙后,每天都帮着我们做很多事情,不管我们忙到几点,她都一直在旁边陪着。镜头记录下的奶奶只体现了她十分之一的可爱......她从来都是自己剪头发,喜欢吃辣吃酸,做菜喜欢放胡椒和花椒,还会偷偷喝阿公的酒,会买一些花里胡哨的小零食给我们,家里烧的柴也都是奶奶背回来的……我有世界上最爱我的奶奶,希望你们和她一样,脸上常挂笑容~ ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. Grandma is 77 years old now. As far as I can remember, she went in and out of the house, doing chores every day. She helped us with a lot of things. No matter how late we stayed up to, she would be there, waiting for us. She is way more adorable and lovable in real life than in my videos. She always cut her hair herself. She likes spicy and sour food. She likes to use peppers and Sichuan peppers when cooking. She sometimes drinks grandpa’s Chinese baijiu secretly and buys strange snacks for us. The firewood burnt at home was also gathered and brought back by g
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