In Germany Today (1923)

Item title reads - Allemagne - Berlin. Les troubles dans la capital (rest of title obscured by timecode). Germany. M/S of French guards outside a bank, people mill about, various shots as they guard the streets. M/S as a big truck carrying more guards drives through the streets. M/S as guards turn back young women who want to walk in a particular area. M/S as a man tips his hat to the guards. Intertitle - ’Rhenanie Aix-la-Chapelle. L’hotel-de-ville apres (rest of intertitle obscured by timecode). L/S of the town hall. M/S of someone inside, the windows are broken and curtains are torn. Various shots of guards inside the building. L/S of the street, guards ride round on horses and walk down on foot. Intertitle - ’M.M. Stinnes, Huber, Vogeler et Reusch sortent du “Stahlhof“ ou ont lieu les negociations pour la reprise du travail dans la Ruhr.’ M/S of the four men emerging from a building and walking down the street. FILM ID:322.3 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, B
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