Countries With Most Nuclear Warheads 2022

Because of the current situation I decided to create a data visualization video on the state of nuclear weapons throughout the world. I not only show the numbers of nuclear weapons but also some of the devices and their destructive power. Some of these tests and devices include: 1945: It all started with the Trinity nuclear test in Alamogordo, New Mexico 1949: The Soviet Union conducts its first nuclear test, RDS-1 1952: The United States detonates the first hydrogen bomb, “Ivy Mike“ 1953: The Soviet Union detonates their first hydrogen bomb, RDS-6 1954: Castle Bravo was a 15 megaton nuclear test by the US at Bikini Atoll 1961: Soviets detonate a 50 megaton bomb, Tsar Bomba 1962: The US conducts a nuclear weapons test in space, Starfish Prime 1970: French military detonates hydrogen bomb in Licorne After the pandemic I expected the world to come together and work on all sorts of solutions to improve this planet, yet here we are on the brink of WW3.
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