Shinobi (PS2): Title Screen & Opening Video

This Shinobi game was originally going to be released on the Sega Dreamcast, but because that console flopped hard, Sega and their Overworks division (which has made previous Shinobi games) decided to move the game to the very console that forced them out of the hardware business: The PlayStation 2! Past Shinobi games mainly focused on the white-clad ninja known as Joe Musashi of the Oboro Clan. This game focuses on a new protagonist, and current leader, of the same clan, simply known as Hotsuma. This game is more or less a remake or a reboot of the previous Shinobi games. Wielding the cursed blade, Akujiki, Hotsuma will slice his way through Hellspawn and the reanimated corpses of his fallen comrades in order to hunt down and kill the wicked sorcerer, Hiruko Ubusuna, who killed Hotsuma’s entire clan, then used his dark magic to attack him after their deaths. When Hotsuma swings his blade, his enemies will fall... to pieces. Once his sword has awakened its true power, it will then feed on the souls of the fallen, and any source of hatred they made have had. Should Akujiki go too long without feeding on any souls, it will then feed on Hotsuma’s own soul and take his life. Hotsuma must find and defeat Hiruko, avenge his fallen clan, and save all of Tokyo before that happens.
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