ALICE IN WONDERLAND VILLAIN SONG - I Only Paint in Red Now | Song by Lydia the Bard & Tony

Stream this song here - Sing to the instrumental - Told ya I’d turn her into a villain one day! As usual make sure to read the story below otherwise you will be well and truly lost ✌️ make sure to show some love to Lazyeule (animatic artist) amd Tony (music) in the comments! Thank you both youre the best! STORY There once lived a young girl named Alice, who found herself in a strange and mysterious place called Wonderland. The world she had entered was dark and beautiful, full of magic and mystery. At first, she was mesmerised by what she saw, but there was a darkness in the air, a quiet chaos in the very ground, almost as if the land was living, breathing. Alice’s wonder slowly turned to a growing unease. She began to find herself doing and saying things the past Alice wouldn’t have dreamed of, as whispers in her
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