Dogs Patrol (1954)

Tail Wagging. London. M/S Woman using telephone in kiosk. M/S Man speaking into phone, he places receiver back and another man walks into picture with note, first man reads same and nods. M/S Man chalking notice on side of tail waggers van. M/S Man coming out of archway. M/S Van travelling along road. M/S Van travelling along road. C/U Driver speaking into microphone. M/S Pan van travelling along road. C/U Driver speaking into microphone. C/U Loudspeaker on front of van. M/S Van travelling along country road and stopping, driver steps out. M/S Driver walking away from van. M/S He stops and looks through binoculars. L/S Pan, car. M/S Man looking through binoculars he takes them down and walks out of picture. M/S Van stopping in the park. M/S Man stepping from van. M/S Man taking ladder from back of van. M/S He places ladder by side of van, and climbs onto roof. M/S Standing on roof and looking through binoculars. L/S Dog and boy in park. M/S Dog lying on grass. C/U Dog. M/S Tail wagger man approaching
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