Tories Plan Campaign (1965)

Title reads: “TORIES PLAN CAMPAIGN“. Conservative Party Conference in Brighton, Sussex. L/S Conservative Party headquarters (normally a Sports Centre). M/S large Tory placards: “Right Ahead With Heath“. Party members walking towards conference hall. M/S Sir Alec Douglas Home. C/U Peter Thorneycroft. M/S Christopher Soames. M/S Party members gathered on steps of hall. M/S Edward Du Cann on steps talking to friend. C/U Du Cann. M/S Reginald Maudling walking towards hall. L/S Quintin Hogg seated round table with others. C/U Quintin Hogg (Lord Hailsham). C/U Sir Ian MacLeod. Interior shot of the Conservative Party conference in progress, audience is applauding. C/U Edward Heath applauding. Angle shot John Archibald Boyd-Carpenter, Shadow Financial Secretary to the Treasury, speaking. L/S delegates listening. M/S Reginald Maudling (former Chancellor of the Exchequer) listening. M/S Douglas Home listening. M/S Edward Heath listening. M/S Quintin Hogg listening. M/S Maudling listening.
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