Rev Ian Paisley At St Paul’s (1969)

No titles. Service of Christian Unity interrupted by Ulster Protestant extremists. London. General view of St Paul’s Cathedral at night or dusk, pan down to show crowds outside. Top shot of crowds outside, waiting for arrival of Reverend Ian Paisley, Northern Ireland Minister. When he arrives a crowd of photographers jostle around him. Several shots of policemen and pushing crowds gathered round Paisley. Car arrives outside the cathedral, bringing Dr AM Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury. He gets out of the car and goes inside with other dignitaries. Cardinal John Carmel Heenan arrives and goes into the cathedral. Commentator says he was the first Cardinal ever to go inside the Cathedral, and was greeted by Ramsey with the words “Your Eminence, brother in Christ“. This apparently lead to the uproar (but we don’t see any footage of it). Several shots of people outside St Paul’s holding placards and banners. A demonstrator is lead off. Demonstrator holds up pamphlet which says ’Ireland’ on t
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