UAC Atlantica Master Level by Delta - Nightmare, Deathless

First one of the three TAG 1 master level videos. What do they have in common? They are bad. Here I had just failed a run almost at the end because of a 300 damage blood maykr attack. It was a very, very good one, maybe even sub 50 or close to that. As a consequence in this run I was pretty pissed from start to end, especially considering all the bugs the game kept throwing at me. Whatever I guess *************************************************************** Key binds: Shotgun = TAB Heavy Cannon = q Plasma Rifle = 3 Rocket Launcher = f Super Shotgun = r Ballista = e Chaingun = 1 BFG = 4 Crucible/Sentinel Hammer = v Grenade Swap = Cltr Mod Swap = Mouse 5 Dash = Shift Chainsaw = c Weapon Wheel = Mouse 3 Grenade Launcher = Mouse 4 Flame Belch = Alt Melee = Scroll up/CAPS Jump = Scroll down/Space
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