Massive Hidden Russian Ammunition in Salt Mine Exposed

In January 2023, Russian forces shattered the calm of the once-quiet Ukrainian town of Soledar, breaching its fortified defenses to seize a seemingly inconspicuous salt mine. As the smoke of battle cleared, the magnitude of the importance of Soledar came sharply into focus. The area held a secret: an immense Soviet-era weapons depot concealed deep below the earth. In a series of videos published in May 2023, men from the Russian private military company Wagner confirmed the private military company was now in control of this arsenal. Going down the mine’s elevator and touring the area, even Wagner’s leader himself, Yevgeny Prigozhin, showed rows upon rows of vintage weaponry. In his words, the weapons inside this salt mine arsenal are enough to arm a million people. But the videos only scratch the surface. What comes next for this underground cache remains to be seen. --- Dark Footage showcases the most unbelievable photos and videos from history while telling the
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