2nd U.S. company’s lunar lander on stable course toward moon

2번째 美 민간 달 착륙선. 우주서 교신•충전 성공, “달 향해 순항 중“ A U.S. company’s lunar lander is traveling stabily toward the moon after a successful launch. Intuitive Machines launched the lander “Odysseus,“ sponsored by NASA, on a SpaceX Falcon rocket on Thursday. The Houston-based company said, an hour after launch, that no issues regarding radio contact or solar charging had surfaced so far. This is the second attempt at a lunar landing by a private firm in just over a month, following the failure of Astrobotic Technology’s “Peregrine“ lander mission. That spacecraft was returned to Earth, and burned up in the atmosphere, after a propellant leak prevented it from landing on the moon. If all goes well, “Odysseus“ will become the U.S.’s first spacecraft to land on the moon since the crewed Apollo 17 mission, more than five decades ago, and the world’s first private lunar-exploration lander. #NASA #UnitedStates #Lunar #Odysseus #Landing #미국 #우주 #달_착륙선 #교신 #순항 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook : 📣 Twitter : 📣 Homepage : 2024-02-16, 21:00 (KST)
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