Don’t You Try To Slow Me Down - Scar

It seems like I can upload, at least, one video by month ! Vaxy was getting excited anyway, so why not ?! First of all, this project is kinda a tribute for my favorite fictionnal character, Scar ( well, I adore many others, like Ellie from TLOU, Grovyle from Pokemon Mystery in the animash community, my favorite one is Scar ) And I thought this song kinda fits with Scar’s behaviors ! We both share some traits in common ..He must be my , at least, my second persona, with Jenna ! So, I’m either this amazing heartless badass, or dog...*joking*( I like Jenna, don’t get me wrong, but I like better Scar) Hope you enjoy it ! Credit/thanks to GrayButColorful143 for the song ! ( On the Rocks - Grieves)
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