Convoy Of Army Ambulances And Wounded In Wheelchairs (1914-1918)

Convoy of Army Ambulances. Location of events unknown. Opens w/ CU man in bowler hat; moustache; tipping hat to camera (doing impression of Charlie Chaplin?). Convoy of ambulances driving out a gate - more and more keep coming. Outside a large hospital (?) building with Union Jack and Red Cross flags hanging on poles, wounded soldiers getting some air: some guys pushing others around in wheelchairs; others standing or walking around; or sitting on grass; on lawn in front of big building. All wear the regulation hospital light-coloured jackets with white lapels. Some are playing croquet on the lawn. CU 2 officers by building; pan to nurse on doorstep; 2 other guys on her rt. Wounded soldier stands outside a building. He removes Army hat; pulls bowler from behind back; puts on a little black moustache and the bowler hat; and does a Charlie Chaplin impersonation! He imitates Chaplin’s walk; tips his hat. Comedy. Film; movie stars. World War One. Medical. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM B
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