Bricks For Houses (1940-1949)

British Instructional Films Ltd presents A Classroom Film. Men loading barrows with earth. Barrows are put on to pulley system which draws them up a slope and into a building. The barrows are emptied. Moving machinery in C/U. The smooth clay emerges through holes in a grill - rather like mincemeat coming out of a hand mincing machine! We see the clay being put into a mould. Clay is kneaded. Brick is taken out of mould and stacked. Large number of bricks laid out on the ground. Bricks are baked in a kiln. We see two men stacking the bricks on top of one another for firing. The entrance to the kiln is bricked up and soft clay is plastered over it. Man stokes fire. It takes a week to fire the bricks. Man smoking a pipe pushes a barrow of bricks then stacks them in a pile. Hod carrier loads up his hod. Men lay a brick wall. C/U of bricks being tapped down. Shot of the building site with men at work. Note: see also “Bricks“ which shares some shots but has more detailed look at the
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