“The AFU clown show in southern Ukraine scales new heights. In arguably the most embarrassing debacle of the war yet for Ukraine, they apparently permitted themselves to attempt an MI6-designed and directed commando operation to seize the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. The would-be commandos, 64 in number, recently “trained” in the UK, set out across the Kakhovskoye reservoir in seven high-speed boats, landed on the opposite shore 3 km from the NPP, where they were immediately met by a Russian ambush. Apparently Russian intelligence was fully aware of their plans and had monitored the debutante commandos from the time they left Poland to pursue their ostensibly glorious operation – allegedly advocated by the corpulent Boris Johnson himself in his recent visit to Kiev. Of the 64 “commandos”, at least 47 are now dead, a few wounded, and a dozen trapped with no means of escape, all seven of their boats having been destroyed. The entire undertaking has been an unmitigated amateurish disaster. Apparently there were additional two landing boats with each 160 troops coming after the first 64 … but they were sunk … 320 dead in the middle of their route … Plan was fun … capture plant and sit there with the UN commission, what prevents Russian strikes … Apparently, there were also two barges with 320 additional troops that attempted to cross the reservoir, but were sunk en route -- all presumably drowned. In fact, some Ukrainian Telegram channels reported that 700 troops were involved. A joke of military planning / execution. So to summarize, this was a long planned operation that was meant to cap off the Kherson Offensive, seize the Energodar nuke plant RIGHT on the eve of the IAEA inspection and pretend like Ukraine has been holding the plant the entire time to sell the narrative that it was in fact Russia that’s been shelling the plant. They trained and gamed the scenario for weeks in Britain with British specialists leading the entire strategy behind it. But Russia intercepted the plan during the entire time, cracking all AFU communications, etc. They took off this morning in 7 river boats holding about 60 people total. Most of the boats were shot down IN the river and the AFU just drowned and died. However the Navy Seal like special forces assault also included up to 2 giant barges which housed upwards of 120 troops in each barge (some say many more). Perhaps the first fast attack boats were just the decoy/distraction for the main landing force of the big barges. However Russian Ka-52 attack choppers sprang into action, as well as Russian jets. The landing team took cover in a Dacha village 3km Northeast of the nuke plant at likely , this coordinates. They were mostly all destroyed, 3 of them were said to be captured alive by Russian forces and as of an hour ago there were still upwards of 12-16 of them left and holed up somewhere in the buildings in the village that were surrounded and being slowly liquidated
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