1-Hour Lyric Challenge #16 | Excision - Generator (Eliminate Remix)
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Lyric Challenges Playlist:
Song: Excision - Generator (Eliminate Remix)
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Participants ⏲ Time Spent ♢ Channel: (in order of appearance)
LiterallyTom 1h02m @ThomasNguyenXD
Rag! 1h10m
prjx. 50m --
Neexi. 1h00m @Neexi
quaddrro 46m
C43T4N0B4LL 1h08m @c4eT4n0b4Llz
Dino Motion 1h04m 1h21m @DinoMotion.
ShockedGaming 1h01m @dekcohSGaming
Spegginski 1h04m41s