Future of Digital Trust – Drivers, Trends & Implications

In today’s world, the only reliable constant is continuous change. The digital transformation changes and disrupts our world with unprecedented speed and unfolds its impact not only on the economy, but on our society as well. While the world is becoming more and more interconnected, it simultaneously becomes more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, also called a VUCA world. Within this context of change in the VUCA world, digital trust presents a guiding principle and a compass along the process of creating a sustainable and trustworthy digital transformation. The digital transformation is introducing businesses, individuals and society to unprecedented opportunities. Simultaneously, new threats and risks emerge – which risk managers, C-suite leaders, IT/digitalization professionals and even policy makers will have to manage proactively. Follow us on Social Media / Besucht uns auf Social Media: ● LinkedIn: ● Twitte
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