Anthem of Rostov Oblast (Russia)/ Гимн Ростовской области - “Гимн донских казаков“

Vskolykhnulsya, Vzvolnovalsya Pravoslavnyy Tikhiy Don (Russian: Всколыхнулся, взволновался православный Тихий Дон) is a Russian patriotic song. It was the anthem of the Don Republic (knand currently the anthem of the Rostov Oblast, a federal subject of Russia. It was adopted in 1996. It was originally written by F. I. Anisimov in 1853 during the beginning of the Crimean War. It is the symbol of the Don Cossacks, in which the anthem is also referred to as the Anthem of the Don Cossacks (Russian: Гимн донских казаков).
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