An HD short film chronicling the legendary Johnny Canuck, his years of triumph and turmoil, and how they mirror the history of the Vancouver Canucks franchise and their Stanley Cup run in 2010-2011. Johnny Canuck/Director- Adam MacKay-Smith Islander/Ranger- Brett Horwood/ Gary Faustman Cinematography- Sonya Adloff/ Dan Yano Music- “The Arrival“ by Thomas Vo general@ Hello everybody my name is Johnny Canuck. Congrats to the Bruins for ending a 39 year Stanley Cup drought, it must feel amazing... and giant congrats to the Canucks for the best year in franchise history, it was epic and we were more than lucky to have it! We also want to mention how disgusting the riots that followed game were, they had nothing to do with hockey, or Vancouver as we are not defined by the broken few. We pulled our video comments as they were too time consuming to manage, and hope to bring you the alternate ending to MY NAME IS JOHNNY CANU
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