Introducing a short film created from my nights in Japan exploring Tokyo and Osaka. This video was shot entirely on 16mm motion-picture film using a Bolex H16 Rex-5, which has been converted to Super 16. Stick around to the end of the video for some BTS of the camera and to learn about some of the problems I experienced while creating this. I’m looking forward to using this camera to create more 16mm films for this channel. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments, I will reply to all. Thank you for watching!
0:00 16mm Footage
3:43 Bolex BTS
Camera: Bolex H16 Rex-5 (converted to Super 16)
Lenses: Kern-Switar 10mm, 16mm, and 25mm
Developed and Scanned by Negativeland in Queens, NY
Film Stocks: Kodak Vision3 500T & 250D ( 1 stop)
Video edited and color graded with DaVinci Resolve
BTS footage by my lovely girlfriend Gabrielle:
Vendla - Longing
GXNXSIS - Wanderlust (with $MASH)
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