Japanese Art and its Importance in Interior Design | panel discussion

ZOOM Gallery Talk Japanese Art and its Importance in Interior Design Recorded June 7, 2022 From the moment Japanese art and aesthetics were introduced to the West, design and architecture have never been quite the same. For our next ZOOM panel discussion, we explore how these encounters with Japanese art have sparked fresh perspectives and resulted in enchanting private and public spaces for the art’s enjoyment and display. Leading voices in the fields of architecture and interior design share their experiences with Japanese art, its influence on their studio’s practice, and working with collectors to incorporate its visual language into their environments. Drawing from wisdom accumulated over their long careers, top interior designers Robert Couturier and Paul Vincent Wiseman and New York-based architect Jane Sachs discuss how Japanese art can be situated in Western contexts. With a focus on display, they are joined by collector Pilar Conde, who lives alongside her important Japanese ceramics co
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