IS-2 vs PANTHER II | 122mm APHE vs Up-Armoured Panther | Armour Penetration Simulation

The simulation presents the IS-2’s massive 122mm APHE shell impacting the upper glacis of the Panther II, which was to feature thicker armour than the original. The Panther II was to feature numerous upgrades, including armour, turret design, main gun*, night vision, engine, and component standardisation with the Tiger II. It however never entered service and only prototypes were produced. The original Panther’s 80mm upper glacis was vulnerable to 122mm and 100mm cannons, resulting in the proposed 100mm upgrade. The 100mm upper glacis has been modelled as good quality 250BHN Rolled Homogenous Armour (RHA). The 122mm BR-471B shell has been modelled with progressive hardening, in-line with Soviet projectiles of the era. Amazing Thumbnail Artwork From: Warthunder
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