Clásica San Sebastián (Donostiako Klasikoa) 2021 - Route (Parcours) Animation & Profile

“The course for the 2021 Clásica is 224 km long. The first part of the event is to be run along the coast of Gipuzkoa and is mainly flat. This is good ground for breakaways, though it will be a hard struggle. The second part of the race is mountainous, with the climbs to Jaizkibel (category 2) and Erlaitz (category 1). These two climbs will separate the wheat from the chaff and the strongest riders will set the pace for the rest of the race. The riders pass through the finish line on their way to the final climb to Murgil (category 2). This is a short climb, but it’s very steep inclines will put the pack to the test one last time. From the top, it is just 8 km to the finish, so it is important to finish the climb in a good position. The riders descend Igeldo and then go flat out for the line.“ (Roberto Laiseka on ) Route data:
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