Removing Russia from SWIFT will hurt European economies (Full show)

As Russia’s denial of any plan to invade Ukraine continues to fall on deaf ears, the US and its close allies are mulling the possible use of “blistering sanctions“ to further rile and isolate Russia. These would include sanctions on President Putin’s inner circle and the country’s fuel and financial sectors. The prospect of banning Russia from participation in the 11,000 SWIFT (Society of Worldwide Interbank Telecommunications) system is also under consideration. RT America’s Alex Mihailovich explains the probably fallout from such a move, which would damage the economies of Europe, as well as alternatives to SWIFT still at Russia’s disposal in that case, such as the China International Payment System (CPIPS). Then David Tawil of Prochain Capital and “Boom Bust” co-host Christie join RT America’s Faran Fronczak to share their analysis. (01:11) Plus, Presidents Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orbán of Russia and Hungary, respectively, met to discuss threats to security in the region, vowing cooperation with one ano
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