5 Mermaids Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life! #2

Sailors have always told tales of beautiful femme fatales that wait in the ocean, leading men to their deaths. According to legend, many lonely, desperate men have been lured by the beauty of a woman with the bottom half of a fish, dragged down to the depths below where they faced unknown horrors. The ancient Greeks called them sirens, the Japanese call them ningyo, but we call them mermaids. These are 5 mermaids caught on camera and spotted in real life. Let’s begin! 5.) Mermaid Migration Caught on Film by Drone All mammals travel in packs, and if mermaids are merely an offshoot of humans, as aquatic ape proponents suggest, then it would make sense that they would travel in pods like whales or dolphins. This footage allegedly captures one such pod traveling through the ocean. Very little information exists about the video, which was uploaded anonymously and then shared by several different channels for different purposes. There have been reports in the past of gr
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