5 Aces | Lifesteal SMP S3 Branzy Animatic

hello, i have finished this at last ! i thumbnailed the animatic on June 24th, and streamed the frame drafting in the following month. spent 106 hours give or take drawing it all (i kept a timesheet for once, since people tend to ask me about these) and some amount of time editing. sorry ! anyway. you know how it is with the lifesteal season 3 branzy. have had so many thoughts about that character in these last SIX MONTHS ? wtf. so im glad to be able to finally put this project out. oh also clownpierce is there i guess. i feel a bit of remorse that i didnt get more frames of other lifesteal people i like in here, but well. it is a branzy video so, its expected. well. i like betrayal plots and the tenuous nature of a traitors only ally being even more unpredictable. thats what this is about. cheating at cards. dedicated to the people who watched me draw this all, for making sure i actually got it done. and also felt, for getting me into ls in the first place.
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