One Night With The King

Now, you can buy the Bible Narrated and Illustrated Vol 1, New Testament: The Gospels Link: =sr_1_1?__mk_es_US=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=Y46G55QJGW1D&dib=&dib_tag=se&keywords=bible narrated and illustrated&qid=1724859793&sprefix=bible narrated and illustrate,aps,173&sr=8-1 *One Night with the King* is a powerful and inspiring historical drama that brings to life the biblical story of Esther, a young Jewish woman whose faith and courage alter the course of history. Born into slavery, Hadassah (Tiffany Dupont) hides her Jewish identity and becomes part of the harem of King Xerxes (Luke Goss), the ruler of the Persian Empire.
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