Calibrations - A song about very special turian.

Awesome music - Calibrations: A Love Song by Gembat Calibrations: A Love Song by gembat I like the way You take down our enemies When you scope and drop It cuts straight to the heart of me And, baby, you know Reapers couldn’t keep us apart When I saw your face The first time three years ago How could I even Consider banging Alenko I’m so very sorry I didn’t know (Chorus:) But every time I head down to the main battery Say, “Garrus what’s up, have you got any time for me?“ I don’t wanna talk about guns or hear “Can it wait?“ I’m so fucking tired of watching you calibrate You shot my heart With one click of your sniper gun And now all I want Is to ride your Thanix Cannon Our love is so pure It’s like staring straight into the sun I don’t really care If you’re Paragon or Renegade You always seem to listen to Every word I say Don’t shoot Sidonis, wait no; Maybe you should. (SHEPARD!TROLLFACE) But every time I head down to the main battery Say, “Hey there, big boy, let’s test my flexibility“ I don’t wanna talk about guns or hear “Can it wait?“ I’m so fucking tired of watching you calibrate And Garrus, you know that I love you And Garrus, you’ve only got six fingers And Garrus, that console must be incredibly complex But Garrus, I’M RUNNING OUT OF PATIENCE. But every time I head down to the main battery Say, “Garrus what’s up, have you got any time for me?“ I don’t wanna talk about guns or hear “Can it wait?“ I’m so fucking tired of watching you calibrate
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