Подготовка к ОГЭ // Gender Neutral Language

Gender Neutral Language Do not use “their“ as an alternative to “his“ or “her“; “their“ should be used only when referring to a plural subject. Each of the rules here offers a method of avoiding gender-based language. Rewrite the sentence to avoid the need for any pronoun at all. One can often substitute the words “the“ or “a“ for the pronoun. Incorrect: A good judge takes their job very seriously. Undesirable: A good judge takes his or her job very seriously. Better: A good judge takes the job very seriously. Less desirable: A person who masters the basic rules of grammar, punctuation, and good writing is likely to impress his or her supervisors. More desirable: One who masters the basic rules of grammar, punctuation, and good writing is likely to impress one’s supervisors. Incorrect: A teacher must communicate clearly with their students. Also Incorrect: A teacher must communicate clearly with her
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