Alexandria - Alkistis Protopsalti | إسكندرية - اليكيستس بروتوبسالتي

Alkistis Protopsalti was born in 18 October 1954 in Alexandria, Egypt by Egyptiot (Greeks of Egypt) parents. In the age of Nine (1963), Alkistis moved with her family to Athens, because of the political events that were taking place back then in Egypt . Ο αλεξανδρινός ο καθαρός ο ουρανός The clean Alexandrian sky στον έρωτα είναι σαν διαμάντι ανθεκτικός is durable in love like a diamond κι όπως καθρεφτίζεται στη θάλασσα ζεστός and yet mirrors itself in the sea, hot λες γιασαλάμ να κι ένας άξιος μισθός say
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