The Big Three At Teheran (1943)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. Teheran, Persia (Iran). Big three at Teheran. Various shots dignitaries coming and going from building, Indian soldier is on guard. Various shots of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet President Joseph Stalin in exchanging sword - ceremonial gift of friendship? Various shots of Churchill, Stalin with American President Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR), British Foreign minister Sir Anthony Eden is also present. Various shots Churchill inspecting Sikh troops and chatting with British soldiers. More shots Indian guards outside building, military policeman in background is checking for bombs beneath car. Various shots Soviet, British and American dignitaries and officers in gardens, small boy in background of one shot. We see the dignitaries, including Stalin, Churchill and Eden, saying goodbye and getting into cars. C/U WAAF (Women’s Auxiliary Air Force) passenger in aeroplane. Various aerial s
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