Ба Дуань Дзин

Click to subscribe. Thank you! The current video:【Ba Duan Jin】 by Zhang Qi, China national champion Zhang Qi 【Ba Duan Jin】 by Yang BaiLong, Professor of Beijing Sports University 【Ba Duan Jin】 by Zhang Qi and Yang BaiLong, 【Ba Duan Jin】 by Li Hui, the president of British Health Qigong Association 【Ba Duan Jin】 old video by Li Hui , the president of British Health Qigong Association This is a simplified full version of BaDuanJin, officially approved by the National General Administration of Sports of China, demonstrated by the Ba Duan Jin China national champion Zhang Qi. This set of BaDuanJin is also taught by and demontrated by Yang BaiLong. It is also very good and you can find it on YouTube. English voice and subtitle are added now to help English speakers. BaDuanJin ( Eight section Brocade, eight Pieces of Brocade, 8 Silken Movements, or 8 Silk Weaving) is one of the most popular Chinese Qi Gong Form. It has been used for around 1000 years to improve health. This form has eight separate sections; each section can help a different physical area and Qi Meridian to improve health. It is very easy to learn and very convenient to practice. Reference: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Chinese-style exercises such as Tai Chi and Baduanjin have become popular among patients during the novel coronavirus outbreak, and have been recommended by medical experts to ordinary people to improve physical strength for all ages. Many patients whose lung function level was only 20 to 30 percent of that of a normal person. But by continuing to take medicine, walking, and practicing Tai Chi and BaDuanJin, the patients’ movement was greatly enhanced and some were even able to climb a mountain. For epidemic prevention and control, people are currently being advised to stay at home. To help people strengthen the body and develop a healthy lifestyle, the General Administration of Sport of China recently recommended a list of indoor exercises. Tai Chi, Baduanjin, and other traditional Chinese-style exercises are on the list. “The key is perseverance. It’s better to practice every day,“ Zhang Boli, general counsel to Wuhan’s Dahuashan makeshift hospital and president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine said. He also suggested ordinary people practice according to one’s abilities and advance gradually in due order.
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