Куйбышев (Сама́ра) / Kuybyshev (Samara) : 1970s

Куйбышев (Самара) в цветных фотографиях 1970-е годы Kuybyshev (Samara) in colour photographs 1970s Музыка: “Самара - Родина моя!“ - Сергей Юрьевич Небайкин Music: “Samara“- my Motherland!“sung here by Sergei Yuryevich Nebaikin Samara is one of the great cities of South eastern Russia and is located on the confluence of the Volga and Samara rivers. Between 1935 and 1991 the city was renamed Kuybyshev, after the Bolshevik leader Valarian Kuibyshev. The original settlement is believed to date back to medieval times. Officially the date of the foundation of the present city is1586 when a fortress was built at the confluence of the Volga and Samara rivers. The fortress was the frontier post protecting the then easternmost boundaries of Russia from the nomad hordes.. As more and more ships pulled into Samara’s port, the town turned into a centre for diplomatic and economic links between Russia and the East. In 1780, Samara was granted town status.. The quick growth of Samara’s economy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was determined by the scope of the bread trade and flour milling business. The Samara Brewery came into being in the 1880s, as well as the Kenitser Macaroni Factory, an ironworks, a confectionery factory, and a factory producing matches. The town acquired a number of magnificent private residences and administrative buildings. During the Great Patriotic War, a large number of factories were moved to Samara from the western regions of Russia and a bunker intended for the use by Stalin was built - but he never left Moscow during the war years. After the war, Kuibyshev the largest industrial and cultural centre of the USSR with aviation, space, machine-building, metallurgical, electrical companies being created here.. As a result, the city became “closed” to foreigners until the fall of the Soviet Union… Photographs from pastvu
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