Доктор Стрэндж Вечность

One of the things I enjoyed about the Doctor Strange movie is the limitless possibilities it opens up for environment design. So, I thought I’d have a crack at doing a concept for a potential Doctor Strange sequel. I ran into a few challenges with this piece but I learnt a hell of a lot from it at the same time – so I guess that’s a bonus. The main issue I was having was the placement of the characters in the scene (if you watch the video you’ll see the original idea was slightly different than the final outcome). I liked the idea of Strange and Mordo about to engage in an epic battle, but the more I worked the image, it felt as though this idea was being shoe-horned in. Ultimately I thought the characters were not helping the overall composition and were more of a hindrance to the image, so I deleted them out. I guess the lesson is to remain unattached to your ideas and be willing to adapt. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and here’s a link to the high-resolution image on Artstation:
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