Xiao Zhan - Running to You With All That I Have

用盡我的一切奔向你 (Running after you with all I have) Yong Jin Wo De Yi Qie Ben Xiang Ni Pinyin Lyrics And English Translation 是不是孤單過 才學會長大 shi bu shi gu dan guo cai xue hui zhang da Is it too lonely to learn to grow up 是不是分開過 才懂得牽掛 shi bu shi fen kai guo cai dong de qian gua Is it only to know how to care if you’ve been apart? 如果說朋友不怕 散落天涯 ru guo shuo peng you bu pa san luo tian ya If friends are not afraid to scatter the end of the world, 但此刻我卻想 在你身旁啊 dan ci ke wo que xiang zai ni shen pang a But now I want to be by Your Side. 如果這世界複雜 虛假 喧嘩 ru guo zhe shi jie fu za xu jia xuan hua If the world is complicated, false, noisy, 我用盡我的一切 奔向你呀 wo yong jin wo de yi qie ben xiang ni ya I ran to you with everything I had. 就算很遙遠啊 我一定會到達啊 jiu suan hen yao yuan a wo yi ding hui dao da a Even if it’s far away, I’ll be there. 如果你說著傻話 醉話 謊話 ru guo ni shuo zhe sha hua zui hua huang hua If you say stupid things, drunk things, lie, 我用盡我的一切 奔向你呀 wo yong jin wo de yi qie ben xiang ni ya I ran to you with everything I had. 就算很遙遠啊 我一定會到達啊 jiu suan hen yao yuan a wo yi ding hui dao da a Even if it’s far away, I’ll be there. 你有我啊 嗚~ ni you wo a wu ~ You have me. ooh. 有我啊 嗚~ you wo a wu ~ There’s me. whoo-hoo-hoo. 是不是孤單過 才學會長大 shi bu shi gu dan guo cai xue hui zhang da Is it too lonely to learn to grow up 是不是分開過 才懂得牽掛 shi bu shi fen kai guo cai dong de qian gua Is it only to know how to care if you’ve been apart? 如果說朋友不怕 散落天涯 ru guo shuo peng you bu pa san luo tian ya If friends are not afraid to scatter the end of the world, 但此刻我卻想 在你身旁啊 dan ci ke wo que xiang zai ni shen pang a But now I want to be by Your Side. 如果這世界複雜 虛假 喧嘩 ru guo zhe shi jie fu za xu jia xuan hua If the world is complicated, false, noisy, 我用盡我的一切 奔向你呀 wo yong jin wo de yi qie ben xiang ni ya I ran to you with everything I had. 就算很遙遠啊 我一定會到達啊 jiu suan hen yao yuan a wo yi ding hui dao da a Even if it’s far away, I’ll be there. 如果你只剩傷疤 掙扎 鎧甲 ru guo ni zhi sheng shang ba zheng zha kai jia If all you have left is scars, armor, 我用盡我的一切 奔向你呀 wo yong jin wo de yi qie ben xiang ni ya I ran to you with everything I had. 就算多渺小啊 沒有人該孤單啊 jiu suan duo miao xiao a mei you ren gai gu dan a Even if it’s small, no one should be alone. 你有我啊 嗚~ ni you wo a wu ~ You have me. ooh. 你有我啊 嗚~ ni you wo a wu ~ You have me. ooh.
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