Unstoppable China ups the launch cadence with spectacular nighttime Long March-3B launch

JUST IN: China on Sunday successfully sent a new satellite mainly for remote sensing info services into planned orbit via a Long March-3B rocket from SW China’s Xichang Satellite Launch Center. The launch was the 483rd flight mission of the Long March carrier rocket series. China launched CZ-3B Y92 at 1726 UTC Aug 12 from Xichang, placing the 陆地探测四号A (Ludi Tance 4A) radar satellite in a 184 x 35818 km x 28.6 deg geotransfer orbit. This is expected to become the first geosync-altitude imaging radar. TDC-4A is indeed the civilian high Earth orbit synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite. It’s heading towards an inclined geosynchronous orbit. This is said to be the 1st ever of the world. #ChinaSpace #LongMarch3B #CZ3B
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